Sports Massage

Rehabilitative sports massage increases the cellular nutrition within the body and keeps the muscle fibres in good condition. Thus, it makes the return to physical activity easier on the body.

By incorporating Trigger Point therapy the muscles can be released and energy is free flowing. Stretching and flexibility techniques are also used to help the body maintain maximum efficiency.

Sports… is a part of our lives whether we are elite athletes, play competition sport to keep fit or take part in recreation activities just for fun.  Physical activity is great for our health and fitness. However, sport and physical recreation activities can put strain on our muscles and joints. Naturally as individuals we have stronger and weaker muscles. Massage can assist to balance our muscles and ensure that we are functioning in line and working effectively and efficiently to prevent injury and perform at our optimal level.

Massage is excellent both before and after competition and in between training sessions. Massage can also assist with tired and sore muscles after recreation activities such as long walks, runs and bike rides. At Klemzig Massage & Health we will ensure we provide the best treatment to suit your needs.

Rehabilitative sports massage increases the cellular nutrition within the body and keeps the muscle fibres in good condition. Thus, it makes the return to physical activity easier on the body.
By incorporating Trigger Point therapy the muscles can be released and energy is free flowing. Stretching and flexibility techniques are also used to help the body maintain maximum efficiency.

Sports Massage 1 hour $100.00 / 45 minutes $90.00 / 30 minutes $70.00